P - Pains – swellings and pains in the joints, fingers and back
After two and a half months, the patient was pain- and symptom-free.
The patient suffered from swelling and pain in the joints, especially in the fingers of the right hand, 2nd to 4th finger. Gradual development of a limited mobility. Also pain in the back.
Bioresonance analysis revealed energetic dysregulation of the acid-base balance, endocrine system, immune system, in particular in terms of the immune defence against pollutants and bacterial microorganisms, as well as of the musculoskeletal system.
After two and a half months, the patient was pain- and symptom-free.
Reported by Kerstin Peuschel, Specialist in Surgery, Thoracic Surgery, Naturopathy, Paul-Schmidt-Klinik (PSK), Berlingerode.
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