immune system
I - Immune system – Fever attacks after insect bite
Patient recovered within six weeks.
During a holiday in Thailand the 19-year-old patient suddenly developed a high fever, after he was stung by an insect. Local examination couldn’t confirm …
Filed in: immune system
I - Immune system – High susceptibility to infections and exhaustion
Patient felt already better after two sessions.
The 65-year-old patient suffered from a high susceptibility to infections with ever-recurring colds, coughing and …
Filed in: immune system
I - Immune system – Unexplainable bouts of fever and night sweats
The patient was doing well after three months.
The 67-year-old patient has suffered from recurring bouts of high fever with chills, accompanied by …
Filed in: immune system
I - Immune system – borreliosis accompanied by severe pain
Almost symptom-free after eight treatments.
Three months after being bitten by a tick, the 32-year-old patient suffered from severe pain in the cervical spine. Furthermore, she …
Filed in: immune system
R - Respiratory tract – bronchitis and pneumonia
After only two therapy sessions, the patient was symptom-free.
The 4 year old patient suffered from continuous respiratory infections, bronchitis and pneumonia. Apparently …
Filed in: immune system, respiratory system
I - Immune system – weak immune response and allergy
After just 3 months the defences were strengthened.
The patient suffered a generally weak immune system with continuing susceptibility to infections, and multiple allergies. His lymph nodes …
Filed in: immune system, respiratory system
I - Immune system – herpes labialis and hypertension
After one year with bioresonance, the patient was symptom free.
Over the course of a year the 61-year-old patient suffered recurrent respiratory infections with very painful blisters on the lip in terms of herpes labialis. She showed a significant …
Filed in: hypertension, immune system, respiratory system, sleep
N - CNS – Vertigo and immune system
Relief from vertigo
This 47 year-old women had suffered from vertigo for some time. Otherwise …
Filed in: immune system, nervous system
I - Immune system – Frequent infections of the respiratory system
Susceptibility decreased
A 28 year old patient suffered frequent respiratory tract infections, accompanied by diarrhoea. The complaints got worse in situations of mental strain.
Filed in: immune system