nervous system
N - Nervous system – Paralysis, pain and more
Almost symptom-free after eight weeks.
The 64 year-old patient suffered from weak dorsiflexion and paralysis of the left big toe, with an unsteady gait, tiptoe walking and …
Filed in: circulation, nervous system, pain
N - Nervous system – Headaches and visual disturbances
Symptom-free after five months.
The 30-year-old patient suffered from headaches and migraine. Additionally, continuous back and neck pains. Furthermore bad vision and …
Filed in: eyes, headaches, nervous system
N - Nervous system – polyneuropathy with painful feet
After two months of treatment, the patient was symptom free.
The 79-year-old patient had been suffering from painful feet for 1¾ years. In addition, she also …
Filed in: nervous system
D - Digestion – Digestive problems due to dysregulation
After four weeks, the child felt much better.
The six months old patient suffered from severe pain in the abdomen and diarrhoea. Excessive …
Filed in: digestion, nervous system
H - Headache – headache and neck pain
No more pain after two months.
The 31-year-old patient suffered regular headaches and neck pain. She also had …
Filed in: headaches, nervous system
H - Headache – pain in the head and scar area
The patient is now pain free.
The 48-year-old patient suffered headaches, particularly on the left side of the head, above the eye. There is a surgical scar there. Pungent scar pain. It is known that the patient also …
Filed in: headaches, nervous system, pain
S - Sleep – sleep disturbances and nervous system
A two year-old was finally able to sleep soundly.
The patient had sleep problems for several months, both in terms of falling asleep and sleeping through the night. Waking periods were very …
Filed in: nervous system, sleep
N - Nervous system – Polyneuropathy
Marked improvement after energetic treatment of the metabolism and nervous system.
This severely ill 62-year old patient had suffered of polyneuropathy for two years after receiving chemotherapy for colorectal cancer …
Filed in: nervous system
H - Headache – headache, dizziness, postural instability and anxiety
After four months, the patient felt much better.
This 75 year-old patient suffered from pressure headaches. These were accompanied by dizziness, left postural instability and anxiety …
Filed in: headaches, nervous system, pain
N - Nervous system – Parkinson’s disease
Patient stabilized and coping better with everyday life after six months.
This 61-year-old patient suffered from tremors and lack of interest in his surroundings, had slowed down, struggled to find his words and …
Filed in: nervous system, Parkinson`s disease