endocrine system
H - Hormonal system – hormones and breathing
After a month shortness of breath eliminated.
The 35-year-old patient suffered shortness of breath with every effort and exertion …
Filed in: endocrine system, hormonal system, respiratory system
P - Psyche – nervous system, endocrine system and anxiety
The patient no longer gets anxiety attacks.
54 year-old woman with various anxiety disorders, claustrophobia, paranoia, fear of …
Filed in: endocrine system, nervous system, psyche
E - Endocrine system
Relief from multiple symptoms.
The patient suffered from a range of health problems, including swollen upper eyelids with nocturnal secretions for one year …
Filed in: endocrine system, metabolism
O - Obesity excess weight and knee pain
Weight loss and painless knee joints.
At 140 kg, this 50-year-old man was overweight. He had tried a number of diets since the year 2000, all of them unsuccessful. He also …
Filed in: endocrine system, obesity, weight regulation