S - Skin – Generalised psoriasis with severe itchiness
After four months complete healing of the psoriasis.
The 36-year-old patient suffered from skin conditions since age 20, primarily on the elbows and the shins, initially quite moderate. In November 2015 the condition exacerbated.
Bioresonance analysis revealed energetic dysregulation of the excretion/detoxification organs, the hormonal system, the lymphatic and immune system, particularly in terms of the immune response against virus, fungi and in coping with burdens resulting from harmful substances, as well as in the regulation of the acid-base balance and the vital substances.
After four weeks significant improvement of the skin texture, after two months only small rashes and after four months complete healing of the psoriasis.
Reported by Beate Borkenfels, naturopath, Kamen.
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