S - Stomach – abdominal pain (cramps) and diarrhoea
Already a significant improvement after four days. Abdominal pain (cramps) and diarrhoea disappeared.
The 9-year old patient suffered recurrent vague abdominal pain with diarrhoea. She had convulsive upper abdominal pain, no appetite, lost weight, with energy deficit and fatigue
Bioresonance analysis revealed energetic dysregulation of the digestive organs as well as energetic regulation disorders in the immune defences against viral microorganisms, especially in the small and large intestines, furthermore energetic disorders of the revitalisation, the gastrointestinal area and the detoxification.
After four days, the patient felt much better. The patient is now symptom-free.
Reported by Beate Kremer, naturopath, Naturheilpraxis Kremer, Schmallenberg-Fleckenberg.
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