Experience Reports Bioresonance according to Paul Schmitt

Case reports relating to Bioresonance according to Paul Schmidt

Erfahrungsberichte Bioresonanz nach Paul Schmidt

Berichte aus der Praxis, mit vielen Anwendungsbeispielen. Sie helfen Ihnen bei der Orientierung zur Bioresonanz nach Paul Schmidt. Erfahren Sie, welche Möglichkeiten in dieser modernen Medizin stecken.

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Important information: All information in the case reports refer to the energetic approach and must not be confused with the conventional medical point of view. Bioresonance falls within the domain of empirical medicine. Traditional orthodox medicine does not currently accept or even recognise the effects of bioenergetic oscillations. Therefore, the correlations described go sometimes far beyond the current state of science. These pages are for your information and inspiration only. They are not a substitute for a doctor or naturopath in case of a specific illness. The specialist reports are meant for orientation and learning purposes. They are not suitable as therapy recommendations for other cases. This also applies to similar cases. It always depends on the individual circumstances of each case. The specialist reports are therefore no substitute for a specific individual examination and treatment of each patient. The reports are mere reproductions of experiences that individual users had in individual cases. In no way can effectiveness claims be associated herewith. Nor should the impression be created that these experiences can basically be applied in all cases. There are no promised cures associated either. This would also not be permissible in terms of law and order.