A - Allergy – severe reactions to food
Patient is able to tolerate nearly every type of food again.
The 26-year-old patient had been suffering from the most severe allergies to a multitude of foodstuffs, such as soy, fruits and vegetables, which led to the admittance to the emergency room several times.
The bioresonance analysis showed regulation disorders of the digestive and immune system, in particular with regard to the immune system’s defence against bacteria and fungi, as well as to the energetic regulation of the vital substances, enzymes and acid-alkaline balance.
After the treatments within a six months period, the patient is able to eat nearly everything again. Even soy products no longer cause any allergic reaction. A slight tingling in the mouth may occur every now and then.
Issued by Dr. Heike Schneider-Klein, naturopath, 55124 Mainz.
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